Rolfing® Structural Integration is a manual, whole body therapy invented by Dr. Ida P. Rolf that focuses on the body’s structure in its relationship to the field of gravity. This type of manual therapy is not designed to treat specific symptoms; however, once the body is integrated- has more balance, freedom and better relationship between its segments, painful symptoms often resolve. Many common complaints bring people to seek Structural Integration type bodywork.
Dr. Rolf saw body ‘structure’ as the relationships between our various segments—ankles, knees, hips, rib-cage, shoulders, neck, head. She understood ‘integration’ in terms of how these segments line up and function around a central axis within the field of gravity. This is why she called it Structural Integration. Located conveniently in Orange County, Nikki is an Advanced Rolfing Structural Integration Practitioner. SI’ers pay attention to proper body geometry. That distinguishes Rolfing from other forms of bodywork like massage, chiropractic, or physical therapy. The results received from a Rolfing session are permanent. Rolfing helps you feel better so you live better. ” Even though Rolfing provides relaxation and often times a sense of euphoria like massage it’s goal and outcomes are quite different. If you’re tired short-lived pain relief you should give Rolfing a try.
When the body’s segments are vertically aligned—knees over ankles, hips over knees, shoulders over hips, etc—gravity acts as a supportive, uplifting force. There is no compression at the joints within the body. Movements are fluid and painless. Daily life is less taxing. We use energy efficiently. Adaptations and compensations to gravity within the muscular-skeletal system can look like flat feet, knock-need, a tilted pelvis, rounded shoulders, a hunched back…“bad posture”. The reason we can’t simply “stand up straight” to correct these imbalances is because they are reinforced by fascia, whose job it is to support the positions of muscle, bones, organs and all tissue.

Everyone! Athletes, entrepreneurs, office workers, teachers, laborers, the elderly, adults, students, children…you! Rolfing® is used by chronic pain sufferers and people without pain. It is often sought out by people recovering from injuries. Rolfing® can also be used as a way to prevent future repetitive use injuries. Others seek Rolfing® to strengthen their mind-body connection and release emotional blocks manifested physically in the body.